Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Air Ozon untuk membersih, mencuci & pensterilan

Air bebas kotoran yang bertenaga untuk mengembalikan keseimbangan di dalam badan dan sebagai air penawar semulajadi.

Disyorkan sebagai minuman harian, mandian badan, cucian muka dan kulit serta memasak.

Air padat ozon bertindak 3000x lebih hebat dari klorin

Menghilangkan kotoran, bahan kimia, racun, bakteria dan virus

Menghilangkan bau dan bahan pengawet pada makanan

Mengekalkan kesegaran makanan

Pensteril botol bayi dan peralatan dapur


Ilham Murni seteguk Air

Rx17 adalah ilham terkini Dato’ Dr. Noordin Darus, seorang pakar motivasi kesihatan yang menukar musibah penyakit kanser yang menimpa dirinya kepada satu misi untuk membantu orang lain melalui terapi Rx-Water.

Dan kini, berteraskan Kesejahteraan, Kebahagiaan dan Keharmonian, Rx17 dilahirkan sebagai air minuman yang menjamin kesihatan yang optimum kepada Minda, Tubuh Badan dan Rohani.

Tubuh badan kita mempunyai Sistem Pemulihan Semulajadi atau Self Healing System (SHS). Malangnya sistem ini tidak diberi peluang untuk berfungsi sepenuhnya oleh kerana minda, tubuh badan dan rohani kita tidak seimbang.

Sekadar melakukan rawatan terhadap tubuh badan sahaja tidak mencukupi memandangkan semua tindakan tubuh badan kita bermula daripada niat rohaniah kita sendiri. Cara yang terbaik untuk meningkatkan SHS kita adalah dengan membersihkan Minda, Tubuh Badan & Rohani. Apabila ketiga-tiga ini berada dalam keadaan harmoni, maka kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan akan menjadi kenyataan dan berkekalan.

Rx17 berfungsi dengan cara penghijrahan khasiat-khasiat semulajadi melalui informasi kepada Sistem Pemulihan Semulajadi tubuh kita supaya ia lebih seimbang. Terapi penghijrahan informasi ini adalah yang terkini dan terulung kali digunakan dalam air secara saintifik dan diibaratkan sebagai doa


Vitamin, enzim, zat galian, Rx-Water dan tanah liat.

Herba semulajadi, terapi warna, kristal, esen bunga-bungaan, madu, terapi Rx-Water,
air zam-zam, enzim, hormon dan garam schuessler.

Semua Penyakit bermula daripada rohani yang datangnya daripada kehendak Tuhan dan juga tingkah laku kita. Ilham murni Rx17 merangkumi hasrat-hasrat yang mampu diserapkan ke dalam sanubari kita, seperti :

Aku Sihat Walafiat
Aku Ceria Dan Bertenaga
Aku Pengasih Dan Penyayang
Aku Bersyukur
Aku Tenang
Aku Pemaaf
Aku Penyabar
Aku Berani
Aku Ikhlas
Aku Bertanggungjawab
Aku Berdisiplin
Aku Rajin Dan Bijaksana
dan lain-lain...

Rx17 membantu mengubat dan menghindar lebih daripada 70 jenis penyakit, antaranya…
kanser, Strok, Hiperaktif, Darah Tinggi, Kencing Manis, Gout, Sle Allergi, Kegemukan, Arthritis, Sakit Sendi, Ekzema, Lelah, Sakit Jantung, Migrain, Gastrik, Stress, Agarofobia, Senggugut, Sembelit, Hiper-tiroid, Batu Karang, Konjunktivitis, Buasir, Tinnitus, Angin Pasang, Resdung, Lemah Tenaga Batin dan lain-lain penyakit kronik atau akut.

Rx17 adalah selamat diminum oleh semua golongan umur termasuk ibu-ibu yang mengandung. Untuk kesihatan optimum, anda disyorkan mengambil 5 botol Rx17
dalam sehari. Ia lebih mujarab jika diambil bersama-sama Rx-Salt dan Rx-Tra.



Ilham Murni seteguk Air

Rx17 adalah ilham terkini Dato’ Dr. Noordin Darus, seorang pakar motivasi kesihatan yang menukar musibah penyakit kanser yang menimpa dirinya kepada satu misi untuk membantu orang lain melalui terapi Rx-Water.

Dan kini, berteraskan Kesejahteraan, Kebahagiaan dan Keharmonian, Rx17 dilahirkan sebagai air minuman yang menjamin kesihatan yang optimum kepada Minda, Tubuh Badan dan Rohani.

Tubuh badan kita mempunyai Sistem Pemulihan Semulajadi atau Self Healing System (SHS). Malangnya sistem ini tidak diberi peluang untuk berfungsi sepenuhnya oleh kerana minda, tubuh badan dan rohani kita tidak seimbang.

Sekadar melakukan rawatan terhadap tubuh badan sahaja tidak mencukupi memandangkan semua tindakan tubuh badan kita bermula daripada niat rohaniah kita sendiri. Cara yang terbaik untuk meningkatkan SHS kita adalah dengan membersihkan Minda, Tubuh Badan & Rohani. Apabila ketiga-tiga ini berada dalam keadaan harmoni, maka kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan akan menjadi kenyataan dan berkekalan.

Rx17 berfungsi dengan cara penghijrahan khasiat-khasiat semulajadi melalui informasi kepada Sistem Pemulihan Semulajadi tubuh kita supaya ia lebih seimbang. Terapi penghijrahan informasi ini adalah yang terkini dan terulung kali digunakan dalam air secara saintifik dan diibaratkan sebagai doa


Vitamin, enzim, zat galian, Rx-Water dan tanah liat.

Herba semulajadi, terapi warna, kristal, esen bunga-bungaan, madu, terapi Rx-Water,
air zam-zam, enzim, hormon dan garam schuessler.

Semua Penyakit bermula daripada rohani yang datangnya daripada kehendak Tuhan dan juga tingkah laku kita. Ilham murni Rx17 merangkumi hasrat-hasrat yang mampu diserapkan ke dalam sanubari kita, seperti :

Aku Sihat Walafiat
Aku Ceria Dan Bertenaga
Aku Pengasih Dan Penyayang
Aku Bersyukur
Aku Tenang
Aku Pemaaf
Aku Penyabar
Aku Berani
Aku Ikhlas
Aku Bertanggungjawab
Aku Berdisiplin
Aku Rajin Dan Bijaksana
dan lain-lain...

Rx17 membantu mengubat dan menghindar lebih daripada 70 jenis penyakit, antaranya…
kanser, Strok, Hiperaktif, Darah Tinggi, Kencing Manis, Gout, Sle Allergi, Kegemukan, Arthritis, Sakit Sendi, Ekzema, Lelah, Sakit Jantung, Migrain, Gastrik, Stress, Agarofobia, Senggugut, Sembelit, Hiper-tiroid, Batu Karang, Konjunktivitis, Buasir, Tinnitus, Angin Pasang, Resdung, Lemah Tenaga Batin dan lain-lain penyakit kronik atau akut.

Rx17 adalah selamat diminum oleh semua golongan umur termasuk ibu-ibu yang mengandung. Untuk kesihatan optimum, anda disyorkan mengambil 5 botol Rx17
dalam sehari. Ia lebih mujarab jika diambil bersama-sama Rx-Salt dan Rx-Tra.

Is drinking too much water a problem?

Is drinking too much water a problem?

Drinking water in excess (over-hydration) can unbalance the electrolytes in the body over the safe limits. We have to make sure we eat enough fruits and vegetables containing the necessary supply of minerals and also eat salt.

"Sodium will enforce the osmotic process between the fluid outside and inside our cells, vitally important to the brain function. If someone over-hydrates and forces salt out of the body without replacing it, the brain cells will gradually swell up; the person could suffer brain damage and die.

- This happens from time to time if people exercise regularly, sweat profusely and lose salt, and then keep on drinking only water, without replacing the lost salt.

I have said repeatedly, salt is not bad for you. It does not raise the blood pressure. It is the insufficiency of other minerals that normally hold on to and keep water inside the cells that causes a rise in blood pressure. Given in conjunction with other minerals, salt will actually lower blood pressure to normal levels.

Potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc are the main minerals that regulate the water levels inside the cells.

These elements are needed to keep the interior of the cells in the body in osmotic balance and in good working order.

These are elements that work with sodium to keep blood pressure in its normal range." " Dr F. Batmanghelidj MD

*Endurance athletes like long distance runners, cyclists, cross country skiers, etc., are given for instance, electrolyte beverages under medical supervision.

Drinking fluids is usually sufficient for mild dehydration (tells NIH). It is better to have frequent, small amounts of fluid rather than trying to force large amounts of fluid at one time. Drinking too much fluid at once can bring on more vomiting.

Electrolyte solutions or freezer pops are especially effective. These are available at pharmacies. Sport drinks contain a lot of sugar and can cause or worsen diarrhea. In infants and children, avoid using water as the primary replacement fluid.

Intravenous fluids and hospitalization may be necessary for moderate to severe dehydration. The doctor will try to identify and then treat the cause of the dehydration.


Benefit of Drinking Water

Discover why Drinking Water is so important for your life and health...

The reason you need to drink water appears obvious, but do you know the details? Let's take a closer look inside your body:

Benefit of Drinking Water for the Human Body

Every part of your body is made up of cells.

Protoplasm, the basic material of living cells, is made of fats, carbohydrates, proteins, salts, and similar elements combined with water.

Water acts as a solvent, transporting, combining, and chemically breaking down these substances.

A cell exchanges elements with the rest of the body by electrolysis, and in a normal case, minerals and micro elements pass through the cell membrane to the nucleus by electro-osmosis.

The body needs electrolytes (minerals like sodium, potassium, chloride, and bicarbonate) for its basic functions.

In case of water shortage, the electrolyzes cannot happen and our cells dry out and die.

Therefore, in order to keep our cells hydrated, our body's electrochemical balance and stay alive we need water and salt.

Dr F. Batmanghelidj MD reminds us that the one of the first protocols for a patient upon hospitalization is an intravenous saline solution. Doctors are well aware that dehydration, second only to oxygen deprivation, robs life fastest.

Minor dehydration - not enough to kill- is both the result and the hidden cause of many illnesses. The inverse is also true. Good hydration i s at the foundation of good health.

- Drink up now, because the price for administrating and intravenous saline water solution in the hospital is approximately $350.

You are not sick, you're thirsty!

Based on more than twenty years of clinical and scientific research into the role of health benefit of water for the body, Dr. F. Batmanghelidj MD, a pioneering physician and acclaimed author, shows how water - yes WATER! - can relieve a stunning range of medical conditions. Simply adjusting your fluid and salt intakes can help you treat and prevent dozens of diseases, avoid costly prescriptions drugs, and enjoy vibrant new health.

In his book: "Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty! " Dr F. Batmanghelidj MD shows the crucial benefit of drinking water for our health.

From his perspective, most of so-called incurable diseases are nothing but labels given to various stages of drought. Here are only few of them:

Benefit of drinking water Rheumatoid Joint Pain and Arthritis:

Painful joints a signal of water shortage. It can affect the young as well as the old. The use of painkillers does not cure the problem, but exposes the person to further damage from pain medications. Intake of water and small amounts of salt will cure this problem.

Benefit of drinking water to prevent and treat Low Back Pain and Ankylosing Arthritis of the Spine are signs of water shortage in the spinal column and discs. These cushions that support the weight of the body, can be seriously damage by dehydration.

Benefit of drinking water to prevent a high level of Cholesterol

I had the occasion to advise a man in his early forties whose angiogram had revealed partial blockage of his coronary arteries. Tells Dr F. Batmanghelidj MD. I advised him not to have bypass surgery without first trying a conservative treatment for his condition. He agreed to adjust his daily water intake and to begin by taking two glasses of water exactly half an hour before every meal. I advised him to walk one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening (to start with, twenty minutes at the beginning, increasing gradually to one hour)

Three months later the man went to one of the famous centers in Houston for a final checkup and an assessment of his need for bypass surgery. HIs angiogram showed no sign of previous blockage. He no longer needed surgery.

Benefit of drinking water to prevent Heart disease and stroke: hydration is essential to help prevent clogging of arteries an the heart and brain.
Benefit of drinking water to prevent and treat Hypertension: hydration is crucial in treating it without using diuretics or medication

Benefit of drinking water to prevent Brain Damage

On average, the human brain weights 1.4 Kilograms (about 3 pounds). It is estimated that the brain consists of 85% water. The brain is extremely sensitive to water loss. It is said that the brain cannot tolerate even a 1% loss of water. If it were to be dehydrated to the point of being only 84% water for long, the brains would not function properly. (Remember that nerve cells in the brain are one-time-living units. They don't multiply like other cells in the body and don't regenerate). Dehydration can cause damage in the blood vessels in the brain, leading to bleedings and plaques, which are at the base of most neurological disorders like multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and Alzenheimer's disease.

Benefit of drinking water to prevent and treat Depression: hydration helps the body naturally replenish its supply of the neurotransmitter serotonin
Benefit of drinking water to prevent and treat Sleep disorders: hydration is needed for the production of nature's sleep regulator, melatonin
Benefit of drinking water to prevent and treat Lack of energy: water generates electrical and magnetic energy in every body cell, providing a natural power boost
Benefit of drinking water to prevent and treat Attention Deficit: a well hydrated brain is continually energized to imprint new information in its memory banks.

Benefit of drinking water to prevent Osteoporosis

The strong bone formation is related to proper hydration and Dr F. Batmanghelidj MD believes that dehydration is responsible of the los of calcium from our bones as we age.

Benefit of drinking water to prevent Cancer

Benefit of drinking water to prevent and treat Leukemia and Lymphoma: water normalizes the blood-manufacturing system that can aid in the prevention of many forms of cancer

Benefit of drinking water for skin health:

Dr F. Batmanghelidj MD shows that in a dehydrated state of the body, the first site for establishing water conservation is the skin.

Skin has the ability to perspire to cool and regulate body temperature. If there is dehydration, the water reserves in the skin may be used up without being replaced at the same rate as the water lost. thus, dehydration is a primary factor in the production of dry skin:

When the skin loses moisture it becomes prune-like
There is less capillary circulation to the skin area to give it the healthy color it should have.

To promote a healthier skin, adequate water intake is essential. If water does not reach the skin from the circulation at its base, the rate of skin repair will decrease, and dehydrated cells will cover the body.

This is one of the reasons why you often see young women with their skins already aged beyond their year; why you see middle-aged women with deep fur-rows "crow's feet" all over their faces. The face is most exposed to wind and the sub's rays, elements that enhance water loss from its surface. (Men hormones bring more circulation to the skin of the face)

- The ultimate stage is scleroderma: the skin becomes atrophied and begins to resemble a crocodile's. The good news is that at its early phase, scleroderma can be reversed by increasing water intake.

* The most common irritant to the skin is the detergent residue on washed clothes that are not well rinsed. The detergent can dissolve in sweat and cause contact dermatitis and even hives. Always double rinse anything you wash!

Benefit of drinking water in elimination of body wastes and toxins

Our organs are made of cells. The cells are made of and live in a water solution. Our blood also is mostly water and serves to dissolve, process and transport nutrients, and eliminate waste materials.

" In the case of dehydration, the blood becomes thick and saturated, not being able to flow properly. The excess of toxins must then be stored within the interstitial space surrounding the cells pending elimination for life to continue, and over time this space begins to resemble a toxic waste site - an acidic medium. Since the cells cannot have the proper oxygenation and nutrition they begin to change in form and function in order to survive.

The end stage of this process results in the cells not resembling normal cells at all, and they continue living by means of fermentation rather than the normal oxidative mechanisms. - This is when the oncologist will tell you that you have CANCER" - source: J.H. Tilden, Toxemia.

A major benefit of drinking water is maintaining the body Ph balance in order to prevent and cure disease...

Dr. Sang Whang, the author of the Reverse Aging book, says the aging process is basically the accumulation of acidic wastes built up within the body...

" This book is the first common sense scientific explanation of the aging process and 'how to' reverse it. The nutrients that we deliver to our cells burn with oxygen and become acidic wastes after giving energy to our body. The body tries its best to get rid of these acidic wastes through urine and perspiration. Unfortunately, our lifestyle, diet and environment prevent our body to get rid of all the wastes that it generates. Gradually, these leftover acidic wastes accumulate somewhere within our body. Since acid coagulates blood, the blood circulation near the waste areas becomes poor, causing all kinds of degenerative diseases to develop..."

Benefit of drinking water for eye health

Recently I had an eye examination. The doctor told me that our cornea is 80% water. Working long hours on the computer makes the eyes dry. Just closing the eyes for a few seconds every hour and blinking frequently allows liquid from the tear glands to moisturize and lubricate the cornea. He also recommended regular drinking of water for good eye health...

(I was happy to hear this... My optometrist is Dr. Charles Lu PhD in Vision Science-Halifax, Nova Scotia.)

The benefit of drinking water to lose weight

Water plays a key role in the metabolic breakdown of proteins and carbohydrates.

That's why neutralizing (burning) fat and assisting in weight loss is also an important benefit of drinking water.

Benefit of drinking water in reducing water retention

If your body has a tendency to retain fluids, it might seem logical to drink less water. However, the opposite is true. To lose the excess fluids, you may need to drink MORE water. Dehydration can cause the body to retain fluid that will be released as you drink more water. The goal is to keep lots of fluid flowing through your body. To do this, drink more water along with salt intake.

Other benefits of drinking water

Transport of oxygen to cells,
Maintain muscle tone, and
Regulate of body temperature.

Turn on the tap... and reap the benefits of drinking water - one of the greatest health discoveries of all time! - says Dr. F. Batmanghelidj MD